Whistling at Snakes

Cover: Whistling at Snakes

Author: Horace Sims

ISBN: 9781940645025

Price: $13.95  $10.00 (free shipping!)

It is next to impossible not to pick up and thumb through a book with the title of “Whistling At Snakes,” and it is difficult to put it down after sampling the wit and wisdom of The Baptist Courier’s late columnist, Horace Sims. Sims always managed to take life seriously while looking at it lightly. He could always find at least a little — and often a lot — that was funny. And this was so whether the egg was all over his face or somebody else’s. He had no peers as a teller of sidesplitting tales. Some were even true. Asked about that, he explained, “All the stories I’ve written are based on real events. They tell true happenings.” Then, breaking into a smile, he added, “Some of them may have been embellished for the enjoyment of the reader.”

This 15th Anniversary Edition includes all of the stories and line drawings from the original book. Also, as a bonus, this special edition contains 24 new drawings by award-winning artist Thomas Addison, who illustrated the original book. We think Horace Sims’ homespun tales of family, faith and life’s unexpected turns have a timeless quality. We invite you to step into a world where a nervous preacher whistles away snakes and decide for yourself.

Get your copy today, and don’t forget to order an extra copy for someone on your gift list. You may order “Whistling at Snakes” below, or we will be happy to help you over the phone. Call us toll-free at 1-888-667-4693.