Letter to the Editor: Be Intercessors for the Lost

I enjoyed reading the March 2014 issue, but I was saddened we were able to acknowledge our problems but not address the main answer to our problems. Dr. Frank Page said, “When we realize that our answers are not in logistical moving around of chairs on the deck of the Titanic, but seeking absolute new Holy Spirit given power, then we will say the future of this convention is bright indeed.”

The answer has been discovered in many generations before us; it is nothing new. Yet each generation must learn the truth for itself. The answer lies in the church trusting in the sovereignty of God and seeking to be intercessors for the lost. Jesus said, “Love the Lord with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.”

I think all ministers should read Andrew Murray’s “The Ministry of Intercession,” meditate on it and teach it to their congregations. Salvation is God’s work, but he allows us to share in it through prayer. Let us pray for the lost, believing that our sovereign Lord will answer our prayers.

— William Stevens, Seneca