A missional movement can begin with a ‘TRIO’

Mark Powers has a vision for discipleship and missional mindset-development that he hopes could model the growth of the early church.

The concept is called “TRIO,” and Powers, director of worship and music for the South Carolina Baptist Convention, hopes worship pastors and ministers of music from around the state will take the idea and run with it.

The premise is straightforward: In the fall, worship pastors would start a TRIO, inviting two other worship leaders in their own church to join them for the purpose of discipling each other. The TRIOs would meet twice monthly for the fall semester, working through a Bible-storying set focusing on leadership development, and following a 100-day Bible-reading plan to see the gospel unveiled from Genesis to Revelation.

In the following spring, each TRIO member would start another three-person group and go through the same material. The original three become nine, then help their worship pastor lead an ongoing mission project in their community during the summer.

The process would start over in the fall, with each member starting a new TRIO; nine become 27, then 27 become 81, and the number of ongoing community mission projects grow.

TRIO is an outgrowth of Powers’ efforts over the last four years in a MusicArts Mission Movement (M3) to lead worship ministers to more effectively grow disciples in their ministries and take them on mission to their communities. Last year, using his book, “Going Full Circle,” as a study guide, combined with a Bible-storying method for discipleship, Powers offered 12 monthly M3 support groups for worship leaders, with more than 70 enrolled from across the state.

“Where in the Bible does it say we will win the world by getting them into church?” asked Powers. “It doesn’t. The Bible says we will win the world by getting the church into the world.”

For help starting an M3 TRIO, contact Powers at 803-277-6166 or markpowers@scbaptist.org.