Complementary, Not Competing, Gifts

Our theme for this month’s Courier is faith and reason, a broad subject that encompasses more than we could possibly include in a single issue. However, our aim is to present quality and correct information that can aid our readers in their continuing development as followers of and witnesses for Christ.

Faith and reason are often the topics of debate and even controversy. While they are different, they are both gifts from God and, as such, can effectively complement each other. Reason is a creative gift from God that every human being has. Faith is a redemptive gift from God that born-again believers have. Faith does not negate reason, although there are areas where Christian faith and natural reason conflict. Real faith illumines, clarifies and uses reason.

Augustine indicated that the body of reason is empowered by the fire of faith. Reason cannot save us. Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” We are not justified by reason but by faith (Romans 3:28).

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