‘There’s a use for left-over literature’

Many churches have some literature left over at the end of the month or quarter. North Greenville Association has a use for it.

“If churches in the Upstate will get their materials to us, we will send the literature to churches overseas that need it,” said Steve Rutledge, director of missions for North Greenville Baptist Association, which began the literature ministry a few months ago.

“There are millions of Christians overseas who can read English, but have no Christian literature other than their Bibles,” explained Rutledge, noting that little or no Christian literature may be available in their native language and often their financial resources may be limited.

Rutledge recalled a recent conversation with an International Mission Board missionary in Tanzania, who recommended sending literature to a local pastor. Rutledge said he asked the pastor by e-mail, “What kind of materials does your church use to teach the children?” And the pastor replied, “We have one children’s Bible that has some pictures in it. That’s all we have.”

The new NGA ministry has already sent literature and books into Greece, Kenya, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria, The Republic of Niger, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania, Ukraine, and Zambia. The largest quantity has been sent to Romania, where pastors of 19 churches have received materials.

Examples of literature needed include Sunday school quarterlies, discipleship training studies, WMU materials, Home Life and Mature Living magazines, Awana materials, Vacation Bible School workbooks, sheet music, hymnbooks, New Testaments, Bibles, tracts, videos and cassette tapes of Christian music and teaching.

“Many pastors overseas desperately need books to help them in their ministry,” Rutledge noted. Bible schools, colleges, and seminaries have also asked that books, such as commentaries, Bible dictionaries, concordances, and theology and doctrine studies, be sent for their libraries and students. Bibles and tracts are also needed.

North Greenville Baptist Association offices are located in Travelers Rest. For more information, call Angie Ervin at 864-834-9635.