Bestselling author Eric Metaxas will be the featured speaker for the John A. Hamrick Lectureship at First Baptist Church of Charleston at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 27, and 10 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 28.

Both of his lectures, followed by a time for questions, will center on William Wilberforce and the campaign to end slavery. The program will be held in the church sanctuary and the public is encouraged to attend. There is no admission fee. Parking is at 48 Meeting Street across from the Richard Russell House. The author’s books will be available for purchase.
Metaxas is the author of two?New York Times?bestselling biographies, “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” and?”Amazing Grace:?William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery.”
“Bonhoeffer” was named as the best Christian book of the year by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Metaxas received the Canterbury Medal, the Becket Fund’s highest honor in recognition of courage in defense of religious liberty.
The lectures celebrate the life and work of the late John A. Hamrick, longtime pastor of First Baptist Church and the founding president of what is now Charleston Southern University.
Special music will be presented by David Templeton, minister of music and worship, and organists Beverly Bradley and Suzanne Jeter.
For additional information, see the church web site at or call the church office at 843-722-3896, extension 22.