Johnny Miller (left) was ordained to the ministry Jan. 20 at Long Branch Baptist Church, Dalzell. He recently graduated from Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute and has been called as youth minister at Carrs Hill Baptist Church in Brevard, N.C. Jim Allen (right), pastor of Long Branch Church, and Shane Hardesty, pastor of Carrs Hill Church, officiated.
John S. Hammett, professor of systematic theology and associate dean of theological studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, was guest speaker for the Staley Distinguished Scholar Series at Charleston Southern University. Hammett spoke on “Three Views of Knowing God’s Will.”
Travelers Rest First Baptist Church recently contributed $5,000 from the JoAnn Coleman Endowment to purchase playground equipment for the Little Giants School in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Christian school, founded 10 years ago, serves preschool and kindergarten students without regard to a family’s ability to pay. Pictured below, from left: Charles Tate, Cheryl Roe, Gerald Roe and Florin Muresan. Muresan is the founding pastor of the Una-Una Baptist Church in Cluj-Napoca. The Roes assisted in planting the church and have traveled to Romania several times over the last 10 years. With assistance from the Roes, Muresan and a team of Romanian pastors established the Cluj Baptist Institute as a missions-training school to equip Romanian men and women for missionary service.
Temple Baptist Church, Simpsonville, dedicated a new family life center on Feb. 17. The facility is a multipurpose building with a gymnasium, student ministry center, commercial kitchen, staff offices and classrooms. Brett Aiken is pastor.
Jenita Coggins was honored on March 10 by Zion Hill Baptist Church in Spartanburg on her 50th anniversary as church organist. She started playing the organ at Zion Hill when her father, the late Jeta P. Baker, was pastor. Pictured, from left: Mike Stubblefield, deacon chairman; Coggins; and Keith Davis, pastor.
The Royal Ambassadors of Antioch Baptist Church, Blacksburg, were busy in January collecting blankets for the homeless. Their goal was to collect 10, and they ended up with 33. Pictured, back row, from left: Connie Wilson, leader; Clay Campbell; Gabe Fulton; Cody Wilson; and Keith Carroll, leader. Front row: Dalton Guffey, Lucas Sladeck, and David Morris.
The WMU members of Arrowwood Baptist Church, Chesnee, completed five blankets for the homeless by using plastic grocery bags donated by area stores. Pictured with their blankets are Luvenair Blackwell (left) and Brenda Greene. Not pictured are Carol Powell and Nora Fernanders.
For more than 25 years, Robert and Shelby Lee, along with their son, Marcus, served as custodians at Corinth Baptist Church, Seneca. When they handed over their duties to someone else last August, the church recognized their years of service and presented them with a plaque and an appreciation gift. “Robert, Shelby and their family have been part of the strong structure of Corinth for many years,” said pastor Tim Tate. Marcus passed away a few months after the recognition service. “He was one of the friendliest individuals you could ever meet and would do anything he could to help someone out,” said Tate. “Marcus loved the Lord and his family very much. Corinth was blessed to have him as a member.”
In February, the congregation of Faith Baptist Church, Swansea, staged a surprise celebration of 10 years of ministry by pastor David Carter and his wife, Cathy. Under Carter’s leadership, Faith Baptist Church purchased property in Romania and established a sister church, “Faith Baptist Church of Hasdate, Romania.” Also, missionaries who grew up in the church are now out on the mission field in Honduras, Peru and Mexico.
First Baptist Church, Great Falls, held a sportsmen’s banquet Feb. 28. Lee Clamp, evangelism director for the South Carolina Baptist Convention, was guest speaker. The event led to 18 decisions for Christ, according to church member Melvin Kennington. Gregory Batchelor is pastor.
Retired pastor Henry Rogers was honored Feb. 24 at Gray Court First Baptist Church. He preached at Gray Court First and Friendship Baptist churches for 27 years.
Leeds Baptist Church, Carlisle, honored Robert and Kelly Hoskins March 10 with a stock-the-pantry shower. The Hoskins recently returned from Korea, where Robert was stationed with the military.
On Feb. 10, the children of Memorial Baptist Church, Olar, raised funds for Connie Maxwell Children’s Home. Colin Carter and Kimberly Rodriguez were crowned king and queen for collecting the most money with through the annual shoebox fundraiser.
The senior adults at First Baptist Church of Belton enjoyed entertainment by the Martha Franks Singers March 18. More than 70 listened to a program of songs and music from the 1900s. The singers are led by Joe Greer, with Sylvia Power on piano, Louise Glick on accordion and Launa Flemming on trumpet.
The RA and GA groups of Ninety Six First Baptist Church recently took part in Children’s Ministry Day. Their project was to collect food for the church’s food pantry. On Feb. 9, the children put out plastic bags and a list of items on the porches of a neighborhood in the community. The following weekend, they went out again and collected the bags. In all, the children collected more than 1,000 items for their church’s food pantry.
Cliff Satterwhite (left) recently came to First Baptist Church of North Myrtle Beach to present a check on behalf of the Baptist Foundation of South Carolina for the Isaac E. Case Scholarship Fund. Accepting the check is pastor John W. Gambrell.
Padgett’s Creek Baptist Church, Union, recently installed a steeple and a new sign for its family life center. Pictured in front of the family life center are Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brothers, members who were instrumental on obtaining the steeple, and Vic Bramlett, deacon chairman. Pictured below with the sign are Bramlett and W.C. Irwin, who made the sign.
Students and leaders from 180 Degree Church, First Baptist Surfside Beach, First Baptist Myrtle Beach, Legacy Church, Low Country Community Church and Timberlake Baptist Church?came together in March for a Disciple Now weekend. The Bible study topic was “The Way: Walking in Truth.”