In Your Interest: Your Missional Legacy

Valerie Rumbough

Valerie Rumbough

Rumbough, CPA, CFP, is executive vice president and chief operations officer with the Baptist Foundation of South Carolina

Many of us may think about and make plans for the inheritance we will leave our family, friends and church. That inheritance consists of our worldly possessions. However, every one of us will also leave a legacy.

A legacy is something that lasts much longer than an inheritance. It is defined by your values. The Bible gives us many examples of those who left behind a legacy that, whether good or bad, left an indelible impression on us all. Think about Jezebel, or King David. They left very opposite legacies. What kind of legacy will you leave behind? You may not have thought much about it, but you have the power to determine what that will be.

You can leave a missional legacy by paving the way for your missional values to be continued after your lifetime. What is your missional legacy? The best way to answer that is to look at what is dear to your heart now. Think about the things you are involved in at your church or other ministry now. The work you are doing for the Lord will have eternal consequences. Those who are left behind will remember the impact you made on their lives and those around you. In addition, there may be other ministries that you see going on around you that have a positive impact on the kingdom of God. You may be supporting them financially now.

However, let’s think about going to the next level. Would you like to see those ministries continue to be effective after you’re gone? You have the power to see that happen through your estate plan. By leaving something to your church or other charity through your will or other document, you are ensuring that those ministries will continue long after you have gone to be with the Lord.

This is much easier to do than you may think. To find out how, consult your attorney, a certified public account or your Baptist Foundation. You can continue to make an impact on the kingdom of God until Jesus returns!

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