The Baptist Courier



White named university president

The Baptist Courier

South Carolina native Thomas White has been named the 10th president of Cedarville University, a Christian institution in southwest Ohio. He begins work July 1.

White, originally of Honea Path, is an Anderson University graduate who was ordained jointly by Chiquola Baptist Church in Honea Path and Riverside Baptist Church in Greer. He is the son of Jerry White, pastor of Casey Creek Baptist Church in Chesnee and former president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention.

A systematic theologian by training with a focus on the doctrine of the church, Thomas White earned doctor of philosophy and master of divinity degrees from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He previously served as vice president for student services and communications, as well as associate professor of systematic theology, at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

White is married to Joy Martin White. They have two young children, Rachel and Samuel.