Messengers to the two-day 193rd annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention will reconvene Wednesday at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia to elect a state convention president and other officers.
The Courier is posting live updates from the annual meeting on Twitter (@BaptistCourier) and Facebook (Baptist Courier) and will publish a wrap-up at and in its December magazine.
Messengers will choose a new convention president to succeed Ralph Carter, who will complete his term as president at the close of this year’s meeting. Nominees will include D.J. Horton, pastor of Anderson Mill Road Church, near Spartanburg, and Dusty Bradshaw, pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church in North Charleston.
On Tuesday, messengers approved a $28.6 million SCBC operating budget for 2014 and approved reports from the Nominations Committee (which offers a slate of nominees for membership on the SCBC Executive Board and the boards of the convention’s affiliated institutions) and the Committee on Committees (which offers nominees to serve on the convention’s standing committees). Click here to view both committee reports.
Messengers also approved resolutions on religious freedom, biblical marriage, the Boy Scouts of America, mental illness, the use of social media, and the 125th anniversary of South Carolina WMU. (View the full text of the resolutions.)
The theme for the annual meeting is “Better Together,” and SCBC president Carter said he hopes it will be an opportunity for a cross-generational discussion of ways to effectively do ministry. A highlight of the meeting has been the inclusion of informal panels featuring pastors from varied church backgrounds discussing how they do worship and ministry in their particular settings.
To view a full meeting schedule, visit