Outside the Walls: Gospel Tweets

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp is associate executive director-treasurer for the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Find him on Facebook (Lee Clamp) and Twitter (@leeclamp)

We live in a world that is obsessed with sharing. The only problem is that what the world shares is usually meaningless information in the form of random Tweets, Facebook statuses or Pinterest posts about how to make a candle out of an orange.

“Naptime was awesome” (@JustinBieber). “I’m driving right now” (@lilkim). “I work out every day – Monday to Saturday” (@jessicabiel). “No, no, I didn’t go to England. I went to London” (@parishilton). Thank you, Ms. Hilton, for sharing.

Now that some of you are back with me after making an orange candle, let’s talk. When was the last time you shared a meaningful conversation with someone far from God about following Jesus? Perhaps it’s true that when you “pin,” you may go to your sewing basket rather than a computer, and a Tweet is something coming from your bird feeder, but you may still fall victim every day to having trivial conversations with people. There is nothing wrong with talking about the game, the fishing report, or the weather, but if the conversation never goes deeper, you miss out on partnering with God in a miracle.

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

Thanksgiving is a season of sharing. Share your life, as well as the gospel, in this season. Family and friends will invade your home, and the smell of fresh-baked pies and roast turkey will fill the air. Take an opportunity to talk about what Jesus is doing in your life. Your family may have never heard your testimony — especially you dads and grandfathers. Share your story, and turn this Thanksgiving into a time that will be remembered for years to come.

Churches will have opportunities to serve in the community. As you share your life by serving the poor, take the opportunity to listen to their stories, and share Jesus’ story as well. Oh, and they will still be hungry the week after Thanksgiving, so don’t let your generosity stop.

November will also bring another opportunity to share. My Hope with Billy Graham will be Dr. Graham’s last message to America. It will be a 30-minute broadcast on the days of Nov. 7-10 around 7 p.m. Exact listings can be found at www.myhopewithbillygraham.org, and DVDs can be ordered. Invite a friend who is not involved in church to come to your home for a meal, and watch the broadcast together. It will be an historic opportunity and a great conversation starter. You may also desire to throw a “packing party” for Operation Christmas Child (www.samaritanspurse.org) to send a Christmas gift to a child around the world. Show the video of Billy Graham, and tell your story.

Keep sharing. Unlike Twitter, Jesus gives you more than 140 characters. Make the most of the opportunity.