Letter to the Editor: TV show is insulting

The Baptist Courier

The other night I was flipping through the channels on my TV and came across a program I had not seen before, “Hollywood Hillbillies.” It took about a minute to discover that the language was straight from the gutter. It certainly was not funny, and after a few minutes I could see no story behind it. The straw that broke this camel’s back was when they all sat down to gorge themselves with food, they paused for prayer. I don’t know who they were trying to impress, but I was not impressed and don’t think the Creator God was either. I only watched for 10 minutes until I could no longer look at this trash.

My prayer is that anyone reading this letter will feel the way I do. It is time to make our voices heard, for there should be no place on the airways for trash that is insulting to a vast number of the population of their viewing area.

This Christian man plans to tape a segment and fast-forward through it while making a list of sponsors and then letting them know that if they insist on supporting this type of programming, their products are no longer welcome in my house.

— Fred King, Simpsonville