‘The Words of Jesus’

The Words of Jesus by Wayne Dickard - 2

The Baptist Courier

Wayne Dickard, pastor of Siloam Baptist Church in Easley and a former president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, has written a devotional study from the Gospel of Matthew, “The Words of Jesus.”

The book draws from a year-long series of sermons that focus on Jesus’ words as found in Matthew’s account. Dickard said preparing the sermons and condensing them for the book “reaffirmed to me that Jesus is the center and circumference” of the Bible. “His words are memorized, recited and relied upon by all believers,” Dickard said. “It is good to know and read about the words of Jesus.”

Dickard has served six Baptist churches and holds a doctor of ministry degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. “The Words of Jesus,” $10.95, is available from the author by writing to 1107 Kensingston Lake Dr., Easley, S.C., 29642, or by email at wdickard@aol.com.