Pastor to Pastor: Preach the Word

Second Timothy is a record of the Apostle Paul writing to encourage and advise his young “son in the ministry,” Timothy, on being a minister of the gospel. Paul understands that he very well may be facing his last days on this earth, and so this is an important letter to his young protégé. The Holy Spirit of God impresses upon him to write words of supreme importance and expediency. In chapter 4, Paul unveils the secret to winning our world to Christ: Preach the Word.

Paul did not exhort Timothy to “cow down.” He did not exhort Timothy tone it down or to play it safe. He does not challenge Timothy to take it easy or to follow the latest ministry fad. No, his message is clear, concise and concrete: Preach the Word.

The words that Paul wrote to Timothy were carefully chosen by the Holy Spirit. Paul knew well the consequences of what he was charging Timothy with. There was the possibility of prison and death. At the very least, Paul informs him that people would not tolerate his message. Even so, Paul said: Preach the Word.

The Bible says that Paul “charged” Timothy to preach the Word. The word “charge” is an important word. It has as its background legal terminology. It brings to mind an oath in court. It speaks of something that would be considered sacred or solemn. This charge that Timothy is ultimately receiving from God Himself is a sacred charge. It was the awesome responsibility to face this world and to Preach the Word.

Preachers, our theme this year for the 2015 SCBC Pastors’ Conference is “Preach the Word.” Every time we read this passage of Scripture, may we be reminded that this is a charge to us as much as it was to Timothy. To a culture that is depraved, we are to preach the Word. To a church that needs encouragement, we are to preach the Word. To a world that needs to hear the good news, we are to preach the Word.

Preacher: Preach the Word!

— J. Stuart Houston is pastor of Blue Ridge View Baptist Church and president of the 2015 South Carolina Baptist Pastors’ Conference.