SCBC budget unchanged for 2016

Messengers at the SCBC annual meeting adopted a $28.6 million budget that is unchanged from last year but, if met, will send $1.13 million in supplemental funds directly to the International Mission Board.

With anticipated Cooperative Program gifts of $28.5 million in the coming year ($100,000 is anticipated from designated “cooperative gifts”), 59 percent will be kept in South Carolina for SCBC ministries and ministry partners (institutions), and 41 percent will be forwarded to the Southern Baptist Convention.

The 59/41 ratio has remained steady for several years; however, with the adoption of a state Great Commission Resurgence initiative in 2011, the convention began forwarding a portion of budget receipts directly to the International Mission Board in order to fund IMB at the same level it would if the SCBC split its Cooperative Funding 50/50 with the SBC. For 2016, South Carolina Baptists have allocated $1.13 million for a direct gift to IMB.