Letter: Gluttony right up there with drunkenness

The Baptist Courier

I read the article about Perry Noble and NewSpring Church. Now the sermons and articles will start about the effects of drinking, even social drinking.

I find it remarkable that we seldom hear messages on other topics just as grave. In Proverbs 23:20, Solomon says, “Do not carouse with drunkards or feast with gluttons.” Why do we only preach part of the Scripture? (Most of those I hear condemn social drinking are overweight preachers.) God doesn’t condemn speaking, but condemns gossip; God doesn’t condemn eating, but condemns gluttony; God doesn’t condemn drinking, but condemns drunkenness.

It is amazing how many preachers condemn a social drink, but brag about their gluttony. May God help us to have a real biblical perspective on the issues.

William Stevens