Letter: Blessed by ‘The Shack’

The Baptist Courier

In response to “ ‘The Shack’ is not an accurate view of God” (April), I believe the only accurate view of God comes from His Word and from a personal encounter with Him. Both the book and the movie present a fictional, beautiful account of healing and forgiveness. Christian fiction should not be confused with doctrine, but “The Shack” does leave the viewer thinking a little deeper about the Trinity in a fresh way. It makes me want to study God’s Word more to clarify exactly what God actually says about the Trinity.

We all leave a movie theater with our own interpretations. My friends and I loved the movie. (This is a group of very conservative, mature, Southern Baptist church ladies.) I highly recommended the movie to family members and Christian friends. I would also recommend it to friends who have not received Christ as Savior.

I was blessed by the book and the movie, and I strongly disagree with the article, which came across as a judgment on the character of the author and his intent in writing the book. Gospel truth is presented in Scripture, and a movie should never be relied upon to reveal who God is. It is merely a creative expression. I think we may all be surprised when we meet God face to face.

Donna Long Roper