Lackey represents third generation of Connie Maxwell trustees

Richard Lackey, as a boy in 1976, stands with former Connie Maxwell president Sam Smith at Smith’s retirement ceremony. Lackey’s grandfather, Elwood Lackey, who grew up at Connie Maxwell, later became a photographer and took the portrait of Smith, which hangs in the board room of the children’s home. Richard Lackey follows both his grandfather and his father in serving as a trustee at Connie Maxwell.

The Baptist Courier

Richard Lackey is following in both his father’s and his grandfather’s footsteps — all three have served as trustees for Connie Maxwell Children’s Home.

Richard’s grandfather, Elwood Lackey, grew up at Connie Maxwell. He became a professional photographer in Orangeburg and later served as a trustee at Connie Maxwell.

Richard Lackey today is chairman of trustees for Connie Maxwell Children’s Home.

Richard’s father, Shelton Lackey, who lives in Orangeburg with his wife, Martha, also served as a trustee.

Richard, an attorney in Orangeburg, represents the third generation of his family to serve on the Connie Maxwell board. He is board chairman and also served on the search committee that recommended Connie Maxwell’s new president, Danny Nicholson.

Thanks to Connie Maxwell trustee Leslie Taylor for providing this information. Taylor lived at Connie Maxwell between the ages of 9-16 and says Sam Smith was a father figure to her during her childhood years.