‘Seed Planting’ offers practical advice for evangelism

The Baptist Courier

Courier Publishing is pleased to announce the publication of a new book by Upstate physician Robert Jackson.

“The Family Doctor Speaks: The Truth About Seed Planting” deals with evangelism in a practical and down-to-earth way.

Jackson said his book is an attempt to expand his outreach in “helping people learn how to be good at planting the seeds of the gospel.” He added, “God has blessed me with having many opportunities over the years to be trained in evangelism, and I have shared the gospel in a lot of different venues: on the beach, in college dorms, in neighborhoods, and, of course, in my medical practice.”

Jackson emphasizes the importance of the internal working of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. “For centuries, Christians did not have soul-winning seminars like we have all the time,” he said. “All they had was Jesus, Scripture and the Holy Spirit.”

He said that he has designed the book to equip people with a practical method for sharing the gospel. Even though the methods presented in the book are effective and will equip people to present the gospel, Jackson is quick to point out that “it is not going to make them talk about Jesus. A person must have an internal motivation to do that, and that comes from the Spirit of God within them.” He believes the early Christians were willing to talk about Jesus “even in the face of death” because of the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

Jackson is the author of a previous book, “The Family Doctor Speaks: The Truth About Life.”

“The Family Doctor Speaks: The Truth About Seed Planting” retails for $15.95 and is available at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and at JacksonFamilyMinistry.com.