Wholly Healthy: Worried About the Coronavirus?

Edwin Leap

Edwin Leap

Edwin Leap is an emergency physician and writer from Walhalla. Read more at EdwinLeap.com

Coronavirus is on the minds of many. And it’s not without reason. The virus, which seems to have originated in Wuhan, China, (possibly in an animal market) has infected thousands — even outside China now — and has killed hundreds, based on reports we have so far.

It is a respiratory virus, and it appears that most people get a nasty head cold type illness, but those who succumb to it die of respiratory failure. There is currently no vaccine. In severe cases, there has apparently been some reports of success with the use of the flu medication oseltamivir (Tamiflu) combined with some HIV medications.

I use the phrase “reports so far” and the words “appears” and “apparently” because the international public health community finds itself in the fog. This is because the Chinese Communist Party keeps a very tight control on information about what happens within its borders — and even more so when information might reflect badly on its actions or might serve to cause instability. Widespread health issues and their economic consequences produce instability.

Suffice it to say, we have seen suggestions that death rates are around 2 percent. While that sounds low, it’s similar to the death rate of the 1918 pandemic flu that swept the world at the end of World War I. That’s certainly concerning. Equally concerning are reports online, admittedly from sources that are likely questionable, that the death rate is much, much higher.

Quarantines are in place in China — and travel, already tightly controlled, is being locked down. The Chinese are building hospitals committed to fighting the virus. Flights to and from China are being restricted, and the U.S. and nations around the world are instituting surveillance and quarantine of those coming from China.

I am old enough to remember numerous dangerous flu epidemics. In fact, we are in the midst of a very bad influenza season in the U.S., which has already killed thousands. I can remember when SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) began in China, traveled to the West, and was a very lethal infection. Good public health measures controlled it. A few years ago, pundits assured us that we would all die of Ebola. Before that, early in the Gulf War, we were convinced that anthrax would be the end when it was released by terrorists.

What’s a worried person to do? Well, as a wise physician I know once said, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” The best thing is to get on with life and not worry. If we are faced with widespread coronavirus, drug “cocktails” may be employed. But more important will be things like hand-washing, avoiding those who are ill (like unnecessary hospital visits) and for those of us working around it, the use of masks and possibly other protective gear if the epidemic grows and as experts advise. Simple actions will likely help us to have better outcomes.

I would add, for those of us who are believers, that we pray. Pray for those in China, those with the disease everywhere, and for those treating and studying it. Dangerous as it may be, the God of the universe is also the God of tiny viruses. Let’s leave the worry to Him.

