Small churches can be as well equipped to reach the world for Christ as larger churches.
That’s the straightforward premise behind Upstate pastor Keith Davis’ newest book, “The Vibrant Small Church” (90 pages, Courier Publishing, $7.95).
Davis, who has pastored two small-to-midsize churches in his 27 years of ministry, said he hopes his book will offer encouragement to church leaders. “The Vibrant Small Church” includes biblical instructions for churches of any size and practical examples of ways to accomplish God’s work.
Davis said his book does not offer attacks on larger churches, but it also does not offer excuses for a church of any size failing to reach the unchurched. “Some small churches are concerned about what they cannot do,” said Davis. “But we should be busy doing what we can do for the Lord.”
The book’s chapters are organized around the author’s belief that the small church has purpose, can thrive, and can be unified, faithful and healthy.
Stuart Houston, family life minister at Rock Springs Baptist Church in Easley, said Davis “knows what he is talking about” and “writes from experience, instruction and application.”
Amos Durham, pastor of Ridgeville Baptist Church in Inman, said “The Vibrant Small Church” provides “vital insight coupled with biblical facts on the important role the small church” and “speaks to the power of God at work in the small church setting.”
A former police sergeant, Davis has served as pastor of Zion Hill Baptist Church in Spartanburg since 2000. He is the author of a previous book, “Unbelief Within the Church.”
“The Vibrant Small Church” is available through major online booksellers. To request a signed copy from the author, send an email to For more information, visit