Women who are pregnant have the option of terminating their pregnancies two ways. One is by having an abortion procedure. The other, however, is to take pills obtained from Planned Parenthood, personal physicians or even online. Taken early in pregnancy, these pills end the pregnancy.
There is a powerful movement to make those pills available without consultation with a medical professional — and without question, the ultimate goal is to make those medications available over the counter. This is especially worrisome because life-threatening bleeding can occur.
Furthermore, women may not have had an ultrasound to determine the location of the pregnancy and may actually have ectopic/tubal pregnancies. Therefore, they could actually die from the ectopic pregnancy while believing that they are only having complications of the abortion.
This is a very emotional issue. It is also theologically important. But it should always be addressed in love for those women, who are often undergoing great stressors in their relationships or in their finances.
However, it is not uncommon for a woman to start the process of taking those pills and then change her mind. Many times, women in distress are simply afraid that they will not have support in caring for the child. But deep inside, they may feel great discomfort with terminating their pregnancies.
Fortunately, women have options. It is possible for pregnancies to be salvaged. Well-established medical protocols exist that can block the effects of the pharmaceutical agents meant to cause the abortion.
Unfortunately, many physicians are not aware of this fact. Indeed, it is likely that many crisis pregnancy centers are not conscious of this possibility either.
The organization Heartbeat International has created the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. The Heartbeat International organization website is www.heartbeatinternational.org. Anyone who wants to know more should visit the site and learn about this option. And, in the process, be able to offer an option to women in the throes of a chemical abortion who have decided that they want to choose life.