Clamp named SCBC strategic officer

Lee Clamp

The Baptist Courier

Lee Clamp, state evangelism director, began new duties as chief strategic officer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention Jan. 1.

“Lee Clamp’s passion for reaching lost people, coupled with his gift in strategic thinking and planning, made him the obvious choice to become our chief strategic officer,” said SCBC Executive Director-Treasurer Gary Hollingsworth.

“During these challenging times, we felt continuity among our leadership team was critical,” Hollingsworth added. “Lee will lead well to help advance the gospel, beginning here in South Carolina and ultimately around the globe.”

Clamp has served as the leader of the state convention’s evangelism team for nine years. Previously, he served in local church ministry for 17 years in both revitalizing churches and church plants.

“I am both humbled and honored to serve South Carolina Baptists as chief strategic officer,” Clamp said. “I believe in our staff at the South Carolina Baptist Convention. We have an incredible team dedicated to helping pastors and staff advance. It is a privilege to wake up every day on mission to help our churches fulfill the Great Commission.”

Clamp writes “Outside the Walls,” a monthly column in The Baptist Courier, and has been published in Baptist Press. He has been a contributing author for “Unite: Connecting Generations, Evangelism Takes Heart,” and author of “Close Encounters,” a book about sharing Jesus with family and friends.

He has served as Camp McCall and Summersalt camp pastor and has spoken in conferences around the country. He also was president of the National State Directors of Evangelism fellowship.

Clamp holds a chemical engineering degree from Clemson University and a Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will begin doctoral studies this summer at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He and his wife, Leisa, an elementary school assistant principal, have three teenaged sons — Caden, Connor and Corder. They also consider Rokeem, 28, who was a student of Leisa’s and an athlete whom Lee coached, as a son.