Outside the Walls: Small Town, Big Deal

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp is associate executive director-treasurer for the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Find him on Facebook (Lee Clamp) and Twitter (@leeclamp)

I remember the day that our world changed in the small town where I grew up.

Everyone was talking about it. It was the buzz of the school. The men at the drug store who met for coffee each morning talked about it all week. The local newspaper even ran a story.

Hardees was opening in our small town. When you only have two stop lights and a couple of gas stations with snack bars inside, this was a big deal. We were going to have our own franchise fast food restaurant.

It was such a momentous occasion that my dad wanted to be a part of history the day of the grand opening. He woke me up early and told me we were going to be the first customers. As we drove into the parking lot, to my dad’s horror, the mayor who was also a farmer was sitting inside waiting on them to open. In a split-second decision, my dad instructed me to go to the drive-through and order a dozen sausage biscuits. When we drove up to the window, my dad asked if we got our order in before the mayor. She confirmed. Then, to my embarrassment, my dad told me to have her sign the receipt! Our world had changed.

God is in the business of changing the world through small towns and overlooked people. You may have heard of a place called Bethlehem. Its most famous of citizens started a worldwide movement through a small group who didn’t make the religious leader cut. Jesus illustrated the power of a little faith through the smallest of seeds. God chose the ordinary to be extraordinary (Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, ESV).

You may not be expecting much from you, but God may have different plans. Who convinced you your town is too small, your church isn’t big enough, or your life doesn’t matter? God wants to use those whom the world sees as small to reveal how big He is. They may be just the person that God uses to change the world. You never know the ripple effect one life can make. You may not reach thousands of people, but the one life you reach may reach thousands.

So, who is someone close to you but far from God whom you need to take to breakfast and start a conversation? I know a little place that has some good biscuits.