Newberry First pastor to be nominated for SCBC president-elect

Albert Allen

The Baptist Courier

Albert Allen, pastor of First Baptist Church, Newberry, since 2014, will be nominated for president-elect of the South Carolina Baptist Convention at this year’s annual meeting in Columbia’s First Baptist Church, Nov. 8-9.

Allen is a Columbia native and was licensed and ordained at First Baptist, Columbia. Wes Church, senior pastor at Columbia First, who will nominate Allen, said, “He faithfully preaches the Word of God each week and then shepherds his congregation to give sacrificially.” Church pointed out that “First Newberry gives 16 percent of undesignated receipts to the Cooperative Program and, according to the 2019 Book of Reports, their global mission giving was 21 percent.”

Allen has a background in missions, having served overseas in a high security area for nearly four years among an unreached people group. He continues to support missions by leading short-term teams into high security areas in support of field personnel.

Church added, “Albert is an outstanding local church pastor, experienced convention leader (he currently serves as chairman of the SCBC Executive Board), and a former missionary who has the passion and skill set to serve our convention of churches at this time.”

This year’s annual meeting will begin on the evening of Nov. 8 with a Sending Celebration led by the International Mission Board, followed by a full day of convention activities on Nov. 9.