Obituary: Joe Dempsey

Joe H. Dempsey, 83, of Spartanburg, died Oct. 4, 2021.

A native of Greer, he was a graduate of Clemson University and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was a pastor and counselor for more than 60 years, including the following Baptist churches in South Carolina: El Bethel, Greer; Fairforest; Chappells; Downtown Greenville; and Croft, Spartanburg.

He was a member of the General Board of the South Carolina Baptist Convention (two terms), the Executive Committee, chairman of the Budget Committee, and was also trustee chairman of The Baptist Courier, Connie Maxwell Children’s Home, and McCall RA Camp.

He preached in the North American Crusade in Canada and the South American Crusade in Brazil. He wrote devotional and feature articles for The Baptist Courier. He was the aftercare and grief counselor for the J.F. Floyd Mortuary for more than 20 years.

Survivors include two children and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Phyllis Howard Dempsey.