GO teams model servant hearts

Ed Welch

“The reason we’re doing this is to be the hands and feet of Christ,” said Braden Cordero, a Baptist Collegiate Ministries GO team leader for Anderson University.

“I think it’s just serving and having a servant’s heart of helping the churches as needed, whether that’s doing a Bible study on a Sunday morning with the youth, all the way to preaching on Sunday morning,” added Cordero, a student in Anderson’s College of Christian Studies. “We’re really there to glorify God.”

Cordero and other Anderson students on BCMGO teams will be traveling to Southern Baptist congregations across the Upstate and into North Carolina and Georgia this spring.

Mayson Easterling, vice president for church engagement at Anderson, hopes to expand the number of teams going out during the next academic year, with a particular emphasis on reaching more churches throughout South Carolina.

“Each team has at least one young man who is preparing to preach along with students who lead worship, share their testimonies, lead Bible studies and lead recreation,” Easterling said.

But not all students serving on Anderson’s initial BCMGO teams are studying primarily for ministry.

“I think we have maybe two or three Christian Studies majors; the rest are marketing, education or nursing — things like that,” said Darcy Smith, student coordinator.

For Smith, who is majoring in business and marketing and minoring in digital media, serving on a GO team is about being obedient to Christ’s command in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples. “Not only does this prepare us for the future, it’s something that the Lord has called us to do now,” Smith said.

For details about scheduling GO teams, contact Easterling at measterling@andersonuniversity.edu.

— Ed Welch is communication specialist with Anderson University’s marketing and communication department.