Courier wins 10 South Carolina Press Association awards

The Baptist Courier

In the 2021 South Carolina Press Association’s publishing contest, The Courier won 10 awards, the most in its history.

Competing in the Associate and Individual Division, The Courier won four first place, four second place and two third place awards.

Editor Rudy Gray stated, “We have a great team of Christians here who are skilled in their various areas of work. Our staff is a blessing to work with and a great asset for the South Carolina Baptist Convention.”

First place: Todd Deaton (news reporting), Rudy Gray (faith reporting), Rudy Gray (feature writing), and cover design.

Second place: Rudy Gray (news reporting), Candace Rathbone (Infographic), and cover design.

Third place: Todd Deaton (faith reporting), and cover design.

“Our monthly magazine continues to be a top-quality publication, and we are grateful for the recognition we have received from a professional organization,” Gray said. “I believe the cover of a magazine is first in importance — and we won first, second and third place. What a great accomplishment by our staff, especially our graphic designer, Candace Rathbone. Our publication continues to strive for excellence, and the unsung champion in this is our editorial assistant and proofreader, Denise Huffman.”