Friends of The Courier gathering Nov. 3 to celebrate Gray’s retirement

The Baptist Courier

A special Friends of The Courier banquet will be held Nov. 3 at the Poinsett Club in Greenville.

The dinner will celebrate the ministry of Rudy Gray, editor and president of The Baptist Courier for the past 10 years, who earlier announced his retirement at the end of 2022.

A South Carolina Baptist pastor, writer and Christian counselor with roots in journalism, Gray, 69, has expanded The Courier from an award-winning print publication into an award-winning magazine as part of a multi-faceted communications ministry. The Courier’s ministry now encompasses book publishing, Christian tours, video reporting, podcast episodes, a donor support network, and a student internship program.

“We are saddened to know that the man who has successfully led The Courier for the past decade will be leaving,” said Trustee Chairman Emerson Shipe. “He has instituted and skillfully managed significant changes to keep the publication in the forefront of Baptist state newspapers. He has worked diligently with new approaches ranging from totally changing The Courier to a magazine format to various innovative ways to keep The Courier financially sound.

“On the other hand, we are glad to know that he will now have more family time and time for other interests,” Shipe said.

At the time of his election as editor, Gray was serving as pastor of Utica Baptist Church in Seneca, where he had served 18 years. He previously was pastor of Roebuck Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Central, and Unity Baptist Church in Starr. Gray served as president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention in 2009 and was a convention parliamentarian.

Courier trustees invite South Carolina Baptists to attend the Friends of The Courier event, which begins at 6 p.m., but reservations are required for an accurate meal count. To make reservations, call The Courier at 864-232-8736 or 1-888-667-4693 no later than Thursday, Oct. 20.

Gifts to The Courier’s endowment fund in honor of Rudy Gray may be sent to The Baptist Courier at 100 Manly St., Greenville, S.C., 29601.