Tony Wolfe will be nominated as the next executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention.
The SCBC’s Executive Director-Treasurer Search Team presented Wolfe’s nomination at a called Executive Board meeting Feb. 27 at First Baptist Church of Columbia. Team Chairman Ian Geimer made the motion, which was then affirmed by the Executive Board.
“Our prayer from the beginning of this search process was to humbly submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I believe it was from this position that God led us to Dr. Tony Wolfe. It has been evident throughout our time spent with Tony that he is called, equipped, and ready to lead South Carolina Southern Baptists. Our search team is unified in our nomination of Dr. Tony Wolfe as South Carolina Baptist Convention’s next executive director-treasurer,” Geimer said.
Wolfe currently serves as associate executive director of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. In his 23 years of ministry experience, he has served Southern Baptist churches in Texas and Louisiana as a denominational leader, interim pastor, pastor, worship leader, Christian educator, and pastoral counselor. He brings a passion for the local church and for cooperation among Baptists to fulfill the Great Commission.
Wolfe holds degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and Lamar University. He is currently in the final stages of earning a Ph.D. in Evangelism and Missions from Southwestern, researching confessionalism and cooperation in Baptist history from 1609-1925.
He and his wife, Vanessa, have two sons: Ethan, 20, a youth pastor in Oklahoma and student at Oklahoma Baptist University, and Aaron, 16, who is completing his junior year in high school.
Per the bylaws of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, President Albert Allen gave notice of a called Convention meeting, to be held March 20 at 1:30 p.m. at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia.
Wolfe and Search Team Chairman Ian Geimer will be touring the state for meet-and-greet opportunities with South Carolina Baptists prior to the called meeting, at the following times and locations:
• March 15 at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Florence at 9 a.m., and Summerville Baptist Church in Summerville at 3 p.m.;
• March 16 at Taylors First Baptist Church in Taylors at 9 a.m., and Lexington Baptist Church in Lexington at 3 p.m.;
• March 17 at First Baptist Church of Rock Hill at 9:30 a.m.
Serving on the EDT Search Team with Geimer, of Kingstree First Baptist Church, are Stephen Cannon, Tim Coker, Ben Harr, Steve Hogg, Donna Gilmore, and Talmadge Tobias.