Daniel Dickard guest on recent ‘Road to New Orleans’ video

Screenshot from "Road to New Orleans."

Baptist Press

Daniel Dickard, president of the 2023 SBC Pastors Conference, joined SBC Executive Committee Vice President for Communications Jonathan Howe to preview this year’s conference.

In the latest installment of “Road to New Orleans,” a video series hosted by Howe to prepare and inform Southern Baptists leading up to the 2023 SBC annual meeting, Dickard, senior pastor of Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia, discusses his reasons for selecting “The Character of a Pastor” for the theme of the 2023 Pastors Conference.

“Ministry is not about us,” Dickard said. “Ministry is about the life of Jesus lived in and through us. It’s not our job to build our own ministry, but rather build others through our ministry.”

In the video, Dickard said his first objective is for pastors to be encouraged.

“This two-day event allows pastors across the convention to come together and to sit under biblical preaching and have their souls nourished in the Word of God,” he said.

The two also discuss many of the men scheduled to preach at the conference. That list includes David Allen, H.B. Charles, Andrew Hebert, Jimmy Draper, Ken Whitten and many others.

For more information about the 2023 SBC Pastors Conference, visit https://www.sbcpc.net/.

The conference is scheduled for June 11-12 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, and will be followed June 13-14 by the SBC annual meeting in the same location.