The Baptist Courier



Florida Baptists’ Cuba Trip Yields Nearly 5,000 Decisions

The Baptist Courier

As 2024 dawned, close to 5,000 people in Western Cuba were walking into the new year with new spiritual life found only in Jesus Christ.

During a late 2023 trip to the island nation, eight Florida Baptist leaders came alongside Western Cuba Baptist leaders for eight days of evangelistic outreach and preaching, resulting in 4,820 professions of faith. The Florida Baptist leaders divided into teams of two and preached in 45 churches and missions scattered across the provinces of Villa Clara and Cienfuegos.

Florida Baptists have partnered with the Western Cuba Baptist Convention since 1997. In his several visits to Cuba during the partnership, Myles Dowdy, Florida Baptists’ catalyst for missions and ministries, said he has met many Cubans who are yearning for the hope of Jesus Christ.