Till All Have Heard

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp

Lee Clamp is associate executive director-treasurer for the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Find him on Facebook (Lee Clamp) and Twitter (@leeclamp)

Chris lived in the shadow of a South Carolina Baptist steeple. He was lost. After years of decline, the church decided to be replanted. Pastor Ed Stewart birthed New Creation Baptist Church, one of our 34 funded church plants, and got out of the walls of the church and into the neighborhood. He saw Chris, heard his story, and shared the hope of Jesus. The church and Chris became a “new creation.” Chris was one of 10,433 baptisms done through South Carolina Baptist churches last year.

Wayne and Vikki were in their home when the waters began to rise. Wayne said with tears in his eyes, “When the water rose eight feet and began pouring into my home, I prayed for God to help us.” As South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers poured into his home, I said, “God answered your prayer, and He sent SCBaptists.” Wayne is one of 1,330 homes recovered by Disaster Relief.

Truc grew up in Vietnam and is Buddhist. She arrived in Columbia to pursue a Ph.D. from USC. Each week she joins other international students for lunch at Carolina BCM and is now curious about the gospel. She is one of 120 international students from 50 countries that Carolina BCM hosts each week.

McTeer Spiers is a fourth grader who was one of 7,016 students that attended one of our camps this year. At KidSalt, he was challenged to share his faith. McTeer went to lunch and sat down next to some big guys who were football players at Charleston Southern University. McTeer boldly asked them if they loved Jesus and then shared with them about Jesus in his life.

These are just a few stories of SCBaptist missions and ministry that are funded by the Cooperative Program, which will be 100 years old in 2025. Thank God for South Carolina Baptists.

— Lee Clamp is associate executive director-treasurer for the South Carolina Baptist Convention.