Marty King

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Update: Billy Graham statue move rescheduled

EDITOR’S NOTE: LifeWay Christian Resources has reported that the removal of the Billy Graham statue has been rescheduled for June 25 because it was attached to the ground differently than expected. The statue was originally scheduled to be removed... Continue Reading »

LifeWay - pastor salaries 1

Pastor salaries not keeping up with inflation

Compensation for full-time Southern Baptist pastors has not kept pace with inflation over the past two years, while salaries for other full-time ministers and office staff increased at a rate higher than national inflation. These findings are part of... Continue Reading »

2012 ACP Summary (Annual Church Profile)

State of the Church: SBC churches increase, but members and baptisms fall

Southern Baptists experienced growth in the number of churches affiliated with the convention in 2012 and the total amount given for denominational missions causes. However, according to the Annual Church Profile (ACP) compiled by LifeWay Christian Resources in cooperation... Continue Reading »

glorieta baptist center

LifeWay’s trustees approve Glorieta sale to Christian camp ministry

LifeWay’s trustees approve Glorieta sale to Christian camp ministryTrustees of LifeWay Christian Resources have approved the sale of the Glorieta Conference Center to a group dedicated to continue using the property as a Christian camp and conference center. The... Continue Reading »

Churches increased in SBC in 2012 — but membership, baptisms and giving fell

Southern Baptists experienced growth in the number of churches affiliated with the convention in 2012 and the total amount given for denominational missions causes. However, according to the Annual Church Profile (ACP) compiled by LifeWay Christian Resources in cooperation... Continue Reading »

Rainer encouraged as LifeWay faces challenges

Rainer spoke openly about the challenges facing the publishing entity, including the sluggish economy, dramatic changes in how churches "do church" and digital and technological demands.... Continue Reading »

Ridgecrest named top facility by conference planners

Ridgecrest Conference Center, near Asheville, N.C., has been awarded the first-ever 2012 Praise Award by Religious Conference Manager magazine.... Continue Reading »

SBC, states agree to partner in Cooperative Program promotion

The Southern Baptist Convention will partner with a network of state Baptist convention stewardship directors to produce Cooperative Program and stewardship materials, according to Frank Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee. Page's announcement came at a day-long meeting... Continue Reading »