The Baptist Courier



Valerie Rumbough

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In Your Interest: What motivates you to give?

What motivates you to give? Let’s say that you are watching TV one evening and you see a commercial that shows a hungry child. You are drawn into that scene, and cannot easily forget it. You are moved into... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Finding Extra Cash

Looking for ways to begin a savings account? There are several opportunities you may have right now that you can take advantage of. First of all, did you get a raise this year? If so, congratulations! The economy is... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Children’s Inheritance

Many people today look forward to retirement, and are working hard to save money for that day. Hopefully, you will retire with plenty to live on, and not have to worry about depleting your savings during your lifetime. If... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Reverse Mortgage

There are a lot of commercials on television regarding reverse mortgages. They are promoted as a great way for homeowners with little or no debt on their home to be able to supplement their income for the rest of... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Estate Planning — What Is It?

Have you ever received an invitation to a free lunch or dinner from a financial institution, encouraging you to listen to their presentation on estate planning? You probably thought it wasn’t worth your time, because only wealthy people need... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Crazy Tax Deductions

Have you filed your tax return yet? Hopefully you have, or at least filed an extension. Maybe you are still looking for things that you can deduct. If so, you might want to consider what others have tried to... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Did Mom File Her Tax Return?

Do you know if your mom filed her tax return? The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants wrote an article a while back outlining the importance of being aware of our parents’ mental health — more specifically, their financial... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Stock Donation to Your Church

This is the time of year when we gather information to prepare our tax returns. Many individuals are able to deduct gifts to charity. One of the best gifts you can give to your church or other charity is... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Make Your Will Month

It’s that time of year again when new goals are set and things seem to “start over.” While you are setting goals for yourself, consider setting one that will benefit you and your family – getting your estate planning... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest — Christmas Gift: Peace of Mind

What is the best gift you ever received at Christmas? Maybe it was something you received as a child, like the bicycle you were dreaming about, or maybe it was a special announcement from a loved one, like an... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Giving Thanks for Retirement Income

We are in the season that reminds us to be thankful for what we have. One of the things we should be thankful for is having a retirement account. There are many people (too many) who have not adequately... Continue Reading »

In Your Interest: Be a Biblical Financial Leader

Did you know that a financial decision is a spiritual one? If you study God’s Word, you will find an abundance of guidance on how to save, spend, invest, and ultimately leave behind all that God has entrusted to... Continue Reading »