The Baptist Courier




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Ministering in Today’s Culture: Hispanic Conference Creates Fellowship Amid Cultural Diversity

An estimated 150 believers representing more than 40 churches gathered at Edwards Road Baptist Church in Greenville on Aug. 30-31 for fellowship and teaching geared toward Hispanic pastors and leaders from across South Carolina. Arnoldo Silva, who works for... Continue Reading »

Olanta pastor Terry Dennis celebrates 50 years in ministry

Terry Dennis, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Olanta, recently celebrated 50 years in the ministry. Members of Bethel and other churches where he has served expressed their appreciation for his being a loyal servant of God at an April... Continue Reading »

Longtime pastor Carrol Caldwell celebrates 20 years at Padgett’s Creek

Carrol Caldwell, who turned 91 in June, recently marked 20 years as pastor of Padgett’s Creek Baptist Church in Cross Keys, which will celebrate its 240th anniversary on Aug. 4. A bivocational pastor for 64 years, Caldwell was the... Continue Reading »

Are some churches stuck in the past?

Pews? Where we’re going, we don’t need pews. Some churchgoers say walking into their church feels like time travel, with ministry that would be at home in the past. Around 3 in 10 (29%) U.S. Protestant churchgoers say their... Continue Reading »

4 Steps to Becoming a Church That Welcomes Young Adults

Sunday morning! The sun is out, the church doors are unlocked, the AC is on (and working!), and the fellowship hall smells of homemade breakfast. A week has come and gone, and now it’s time to worship and fellowship... Continue Reading »

Steven Faucette captures the mountains at Rough Ridge Lookout on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.

Building the Kingdom With a Bookmark

People tend to chase after big things. But God can use small things to glorify His name. Steven Faucette, a member of Rock Springs Baptist Church in Easley, wandered around the Hilton hotel where he was staying and met... Continue Reading »

Prayer, fasting and the power of God

John Wesley took a dim view of pre-revival America, but he had a plan to change it. Wesley spent time in the colonies and reported, “I desired as many as could to join together in fasting and prayer, that... Continue Reading »

The Law Amendment: An Unnecessary Necessary Revision

Since 2022, and especially after the 2023 first vote to approve the so-called “Law amendment,” multiple authors and speakers have sought to sway messengers to vote in favor of or against changing the SBC Constitution. Ordinary church members, pastors,... Continue Reading »

Pastors, church leaders encouraged to participate in church compensation survey

GuideStone, Lifeway Research and Baptist state conventions have again teamed up for the SBC Church Compensation Survey. The survey — the largest free study focused on churches in the United States — is conducted every two years. The survey’s... Continue Reading »

All God’s Grace: How the Lord is Growing Ridgewood Church

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42). Ridgewood Church began in a home, not in a building. In 2012, a small group from Christ Fellowship... Continue Reading »

Ready River Association holds missions fair

Reedy River Baptist Association in Newberry held a missions fair in February. Several national and international missionaries shared what God is doing through their mission opportunities. Guests included Pastor George Adhikary with Reach Bangladesh; Pastor Philip Sahawneh, York Baptist... Continue Reading »

Several SCBaptist pastors took part in the IMB’s first-ever Senders Summit

For Andy Roberson, executive pastor at South Main Baptist Church in Greenwood, S.C., the International Mission Board event offered the opportunity to help cultivate a culture of sending at his church. “We don’t have a sending issue; we have... Continue Reading »