Courier Publishing
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In an unassuming office on the campus of Rice University, you can often find professor James Tour on a Zoom call. Is he chatting with other scientists around the world about his groundbreaking research in nanotechnology? Maybe. But more... Continue Reading »
Most Baptists were taught in Sunday school from an early age that the Lord’s Supper and Judas’ betrayal took place on Thursday, the crucifixion occurred on Friday, and Jesus arose early on Sunday morning. Though all agree with these... Continue Reading »
The coronavirus outbreak has had ripple effects across the country, including in U.S. churches, according to a new study of pastors. Nashville-based LifeWay Research asked Protestant pastors how the pandemic has impacted their congregations and what their plans are... Continue Reading »
“Daddy, can I have some Easter candy for breakfast?” As cute as my son Corder is, there are some requests that fall on deaf ears in my house (especially when Grandmama isn’t around). However, there are other requests that... Continue Reading »
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