Wholly Healthy: Medicine Can Be Mission Field

Many young Christians grow up with a deep desire to be missionaries. I applaud this. I’m always amazed at the devotion and dedication of those who spend years in training and go around the world for the sake of the gospel and, in the process, shun temporal reward. But for years now, God has put […]

Wholly Healthy: Counting Calories

One of the most effective ways to improve health is to lose excess weight. Yet, weight loss can be a frustrating battle that involves our individual metabolisms, our dislike of exercise, and our love of food. I’ve been trying to lose weight, with help from my lovely bride. What I have been doing essentially comes […]

Wholly Healthy: Don’t Be Fooled

Since April Fool’s Day is April 1, it’s probably a good time to go over a few things that aren’t true in medicine and health. A few things come to mind, but first I’d like to remind everyone (especially the parents of children) that there is no compelling evidence that vaccines cause autism. Furthermore, real […]