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Tennessee Baptists preparing for high-impact Crossover

Tennessee Baptists are preparing for Crossover, an annual evangelistic event that takes place in the city where the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting is held. This year’s meeting will be June 13-16 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Conference... Continue Reading »

Litton and Adams enter four-way race for SBC presidency

A four-way race is shaping up for the election of president during the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville this June. In January, Alabama pastor Ed Litton and Northwest Baptist Convention Executive Director-Treasurer Randy Adams... Continue Reading »

North Greenville, New Orleans Seminary form partnership

In a move intended to help men and women called to ministry get placed into positions sooner, North Greenville University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary are partnering to count certain college credit hours toward a master of divinity... Continue Reading »

Fred Wolfe’s impact for the gospel remembered

Longtime pastor, mentor and Southern Baptist Convention leader Fred Wolfe died Jan. 3 due to complications caused by COVID-19. He was 83. At 70 years old in 2007, Wolfe heard God’s call for him to do something new. So... Continue Reading »

SBC Resolution 9: Statement on Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality Point of Controversy and Disagreement

The most controversial resolution at the 2019 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention was Resolution 9, “On Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality.” While resolutions are not binding, they are important because they send a message to the larger... Continue Reading »

Abuse aftercare resource available to churches

As more stories of sexual abuse involving evangelical churches and pastors — including the Southern Baptist Convention — come to light, SBC leaders have recognized the need to be responsive and educated in caring for those within their ministries... Continue Reading »

‘Caring Well Challenge’ on abuse launched

The Southern Baptist effort to address sexual abuse in churches took another step with the launch of the “Caring Well Challenge,” a joint call for congregations to become equipped to prevent predatory behavior and to care for survivors. The... Continue Reading »

SBC supports survivors, embraces diversity

Southern Baptists acted in support of sexual abuse survivors, embraced ethnic and gender diversity and rallied around the Great Commission at their annual meeting June 11-12 in Birmingham, Ala. Messengers strengthened their stance against sexual abuse and racism by... Continue Reading »

Greear: Put Gospel proclamation before preferences

Southern Baptists are at a crossroads — not regarding their doctrine or mission, but regarding “what kind of Gospel witnesses we will be in an age like ours,” said J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention. During his... Continue Reading »

Ronnie Floyd named as EC president nominee

Arkansas pastor and former Southern Baptist Convention president Ronnie Floyd will be recommended for the presidency of the SBC Executive Committee, the EC’s presidential search committee announced March 31. The full EC will consider Floyd’s nomination Tuesday, April 2,... Continue Reading »