Courier Publishing
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I don’t typically talk about a minimum time of prayer we should pray each day. I’m more concerned that we pray than I am about how long we pray. At the same time, though, I suspect most of us... Continue Reading »
It’s that time of year when we begin thinking about goals for the next year. Too often, these goals are not related to our walk with God. More than simply setting “New Year’s resolutions” we might break quickly next... Continue Reading »
I’ve been there, and you likely have as well. You’ve never heard the song your church is singing or you’ve heard it but don’t like it. The temptation is to silently mimic the words or not sing at all.... Continue Reading »
I can only wonder how many people I pass every day without knowing much about them. Some of these folks are neighbors I still don’t know well. Others are coworkers and students on a campus large enough that knowing... Continue Reading »
I’ve worked with a number of pastor and staff search teams as they vet possible candidates for their open positions. These folks typically are God-seeking believers who want nothing but God’s will to be done. Churches and their search... Continue Reading »
Think about how much time you and your family spend in the car. Then think about how you use that time. Whatever you typically do, I challenge you to use your time to pray as you drive — even... Continue Reading »
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