The Baptist Courier



Leslie Peacock Caldwell

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Week of Prayer: IMB commits to loving and serving during times of disaster

Natural disasters can strike anytime and anywhere. They leave millions of people in need. Those in the path of storms, earthquakes or hurricanes often find themselves hungry, homeless and hopeless. Thanks to the long-term commitment of Southern Baptists, missionaries... Continue Reading »

Week of Prayer: Jesus is unfamiliar gift for many in spiritually lost world 

Lostness around the world is growing every day. In fact, 59 percent of the world’s population remains unreached. This means there are less than 2 percent evangelical Christians within their people group or nearby. Unless something changes, they have... Continue Reading »

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering total exceeds goal at $159.5M

The International Mission Board is reporting a 2019-20 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering total of $159.5 million, the second highest offering in history. This total exceeds by $4.5 million the 175-year-old organization’s budgeted goal of $155 million. IMB also received... Continue Reading »

Missions ideas flow from Diana Davis & Autumn Wall

Long before most people were aware of Diana Davis’ “fresh ideas,” her daughter witnessed her mom’s imagination and creative spark. “Her creativity is what has always made life in our family so much fun!” Autumn Wall said, recalling how... Continue Reading »