Michael Foust

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5 Family-Friendly Things: ’The Waltons’ leads this month’s spotlight

Some children try to sneak a peek at movies they shouldn’t watch. That sometimes happens at my house, too, but more recently it’s been something far more vanilla: “The Waltons.” Yes, the wholesome show from the 1970s set during... Continue Reading »

5 Family-Friendly Things: ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’ leads spotlight

Editor’s note: Do you like this feature? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter, or send an email to editor@baptistcourier.com. There was a time I enjoyed watching the news, perusing Twitter and scanning Facebook. No longer. Those days are... Continue Reading »

5 Family-Friendly Things: ‘Imagine’ and ‘Paul’ lead June spotlight

Editor’s note: Please let us know what you think of this column on Facebook (BaptistCourier), Twitter (@baptistcourier) or by email (editor@baptistcourier.com). March was a banner month for faith films, and some of those same movies were set to hit... Continue Reading »

5 Family-Friendly Things: ‘Bible Bee’ leads entertainment lineup

Editor’s note: “5 Family-Friendly Things” spotlights family-friendly entertainment choices on DVD, streaming or television. We’ll be running this column over the next three months. Please let us know what you think of it on Facebook (BaptistCourier) Twitter (@baptistcourier) or... Continue Reading »

Pastor compensation studied by financial planner

It happens often in Southern Baptist life: A church offers a prospective pastor a salary it thinks is reasonable, and the pastor — not wanting to appear greedy — begrudgingly accepts. But down the road, when tax season arrives... Continue Reading »

Youth curriculum debuts: 6-year free resource

Richard Ross has spent most of his life leading youth to a deeper relationship with Christ, so he didn’t hesitate when he felt God’s call to develop a small group curriculum for teens and young adults. But even Ross... Continue Reading »

‘Living together’ before marriage a statistical risk

Does living together before marriage increase the chances for a successful marriage? The answer may surprise some. Between 50 and 60 percent of all marriages begin with the two partners cohabiting, and many of those couples no doubt believe... Continue Reading »

Calvinism report gets positive reviews

A report on Calvinism in Southern Baptist life has received positive reviews from bloggers on both sides of the theological spectrum. The 19-member advisory committee issued its 3,200-word report to Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Frank Page in... Continue Reading »

Calvinism committee issues report, urges SBC to ‘stand together’ for Great Commission

A 19-member advisory committee on Calvinism has issued its report to Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Frank Page, acknowledging tension and disagreement within the denomination on the issue while urging Southern Baptists to “grant one another liberty” and... Continue Reading »

Malware to blame for site block

A military official says malware was to blame for the Southern Baptist Convention’s website being blocked on some military bases. Lt. Col. Damien Pickart, a Defense Department spokesman, said the military’s software filters detected malware at SBC.net and blocked... Continue Reading »

Hobby Lobby gets boost in battle against abortion mandate

Hobby Lobby's legal battle against the abortion/contraceptive mandate received a boost March 29 when the full 10th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to hear the company's case.... Continue Reading »

Adoption credit made permanent in ‘cliff’ bill

The so-called ?fiscal cliff? bill signed by President Obama didn't fully please either political party, but it did contain great news for the adoption community by maintaining a tax credit that makes adoption more affordable for low- and middle-income... Continue Reading »