Robert Jackson

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Guest Viewpoint: Equal Justice for the Unborn? 

In 2022, the Louisiana House prepared to pass HB-813, the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act. The bill garnered statewide support; a majority of House Republicans pledged to vote for it. On the eve of the vote, more than... Continue Reading »

Euthanasia: Premature, Intentional Murder of the Patient

The charge nurse of the medicine floor at my local hospital spoke wearily through my phone, “The older patient in bed 407, Mr. B., is not responsive, and his vital signs are stable. Can you take a look at... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: A Response to the Leak

God-fearing, right-thinking, life-loving Christians have prayed for nearly 50 years for God to intervene in the affairs of our nation to overturn the abhorrent Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that essentially overruled the abortion laws of the individual... Continue Reading »

Guest Editorial: Why I Changed My Mind About Recommending COVID vaccines

A defining characteristic of honest medical clinicians is the ability to admit when they are wrong when confronted with new data. Well, with the thimble full of humility that I possess, I am here to tell you I was... Continue Reading »

Why Can’t We Love Them Both?

Mike was a mechanical engineer excited about his new career opportunities, while Joy was a nurse working at a local hospital. They were thrilled to be pregnant a second time and were hoping this pregnancy would progress without complications,... Continue Reading »

Teach Me to Number My Days

My patients routinely ask me, “Doc, why do these brown rough spots grow on my back? Why do my joints hurt so bad?” I respond with a smile, “That’s the price you pay for living so long.” We all... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: The Preacher’s Daughter

“Pamela” came into my office at 16 weeks pregnant. Her boyfriend, a heavy beer drinker and a member of a motorcycle gang, browbeat her for several months to obtain an abortion. She was a waitress at a restaurant, barely... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: The Squeaky Door

When my dad was in his medical residency program in Charleston, S.C., our family attended First Baptist Church of Charleston. I was about 6 years old at the time, and I recall the experience vividly. John Hamrick was pastor... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: It Is That Simple!

Recently, I discussed the current civil unrest with a friend. I shared with her an account of a man in whose life I had the privilege of planting the seed of the gospel. The transformation in his life was... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: Losing Sight of ‘the Likeness of God’

What do genocide, spousal abuse, abortion, and the killing of George Floyd — an African-American man — by a white police officer have in common? Let’s answer that question with another question that Jesus asked the religious leaders in... Continue Reading »

Guest Perspective: In Vitro Fertilization — What Every Christian Should Know

In the following dialogue, Mary and Charles represent a composite of my patients who have struggled with infertility. Many couples never have money or consistent insurance coverage to pursue an infertility evaluation. However, after years of saving, they finally... Continue Reading »

Why do Baptists hold Vacation Bible Schools?

Why do we have Vacation Bible School every year in so many churches across our state? Are we just trying to entertain our children during the hot summer days? No, we expend so much time, energy, prayers, and creativity... Continue Reading »