Sue Sprenkle

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Global health strategies create gospel access through CPR certification

The American doctor hummed “Stayin’ Alive” softly to the young Armenian medic kneeling on the floor administering CPR. Her confidence increased as she caught the beat, and the green light on the practice mannequin lit up. She smiled, despite... Continue Reading »

South Carolina women ‘Go Experience’ sharing gospel, partnering with IMB

Rwanda? Kenya? No trip sounded right. So Katie kept searching for the perfect short-term mission trip on the International Mission Board’s Go Experience website. Her women-only team from First Baptist Church, Honea Path (S.C.), wanted a place where they... Continue Reading »

IMB Missions College creates connections for cross-cultural ministry

Representatives from 21 states came together for an intensive training on cross-cultural missions taught by International Mission Board missionaries April 2-5. The annual Missions College hosted near Richmond brought IMB missionaries from all over the world together with pastors,... Continue Reading »

Missionary explorer shares gospel with UUPGs

Some days, June Estes* pinches herself to make sure she isn’t dreaming. As an International Mission Board missionary explorer, she experiences a lot of things she never imagined doing in her lifetime. Like standing under a string of prayer... Continue Reading »

Week of Prayer: Training results in 17 churches planted in Zambia, still growing

It was just a normal meeting of some Zambian pastors and a few workers from Christian organizations. When Randy Windham stood up and handed a sign-up sheet to the person next to him, they had no idea that ministry... Continue Reading »

Week of Prayer: Partnership enters new era

Prison ministry. Sports ministry. Developing national missionaries. The dreams discussed around the table were big. International Mission Board missionaries Matt and Gretchen Clay saw the passion rising as the group of pastors and lay ministers figured out ways to... Continue Reading »

$4.8 million gift to IMB kicks off LMCO season

The 2023 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering received a big boost in November toward meeting a hefty goal of $200 million for international missions. Paul Chitwood, IMB president, received a check for $4.84 million from the Joy Ledbetter Trust. It... Continue Reading »

Week of Prayer: Virtual reality reaches lost through innovation

Michaela Knippers grabs the bulky virtual reality goggles off the desk and tightens them onto her head. Her husband, Justin, is already strapped in and waving his hand in the air to scroll through different maps he sees through... Continue Reading »

Real Savior found by IMB missionary in virtual world

Lonely. Desperate. Drunk. Anxiety-ridden. It was a life Michaela knew all too well. Growing up, she watched family members travel the exact road she was on. She wanted an escape. So the young woman turned on the computer and... Continue Reading »

NextGen Making Immediate Impact on Spiritual Lostness

Sticky notes plastered to the wall represented all the ways summer volunteers are embarking on the missionary task. The handwritten notes ranged from hiking to remote villages that have never heard Jesus’ name to teaching English using Bible stories... Continue Reading »

Oral Bible stories reach ‘everyday’ people

Riding home on the subway, Patrick Stein casually looked around at fellow passengers. Two things stood out: (1) As a 50-something, he was probably one of the oldest commuters. The median age in this North African city was 26.... Continue Reading »

South Carolina church turns ‘trash into cash’ for missions

The 80-year-old man crawls halfway into the green trash bin, feet barely touching the ground. He rummages through discarded bags. Not hearing the familiar jingle of tin and aluminum cans, Dave Joslin pulls his head out and motions for... Continue Reading »