Letters to the Editor

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Letter: May Charleston Lead Us in Showing Love

Thank you, South Carolina Baptists, for passing the resolution on Mother Emanuel AME Church at the 2015 meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Our nation wept as we watched the horrific events unfold. The murders happened in a... Continue Reading »

Letter: Supporting God’s ‘100-Percent Truth’

Thank you, Dr. Gray, for your article, “Results of False Teaching,” in the January issue of The Courier. Sadly, I see major changes happening in our churches — mostly because of false teaching (especially half-truths) and the growing lack... Continue Reading »

Letter: Enjoyed Cribb’s Christmas essay

I appreciated Bryan Cribb’s article, “A Biblical Pattern for Christmas Celebrations” (December 2015). I especially gained inspiration from the “Create great expectations at Christmas” section. I wish all Christians would celebrate God’s faithfulness and His redemption through His son,... Continue Reading »

Letter: Give up cable TV for SBC

After reading “The SBC Ship Is in Peril” in the November issue, I agree we are in trouble. That being said, it’s my belief that we still have a God who can turn things around. What I propose is... Continue Reading »

Letter: Missionary grateful for S.C. Baptists’ gift to IMB

My wife and I wanted to take this time to thank South Carolina Southern Baptists for their continued support in our ministry and the ministry of so many others. I read today that my convention had decided to give... Continue Reading »

Letter: Let’s continue to walk in love

Thank you, South Carolina Baptists, for passing the resolution on Mother Emanuel AME Church. Our nation wept as we watched the horrific events unfold and learned a shooter had taken the lives of nine precious souls. The murders happened... Continue Reading »

Letter: Let’s not continue to cut funding to our institutions

I commend Dr. Rudy Gray on a great article in the November issue, “Is It Time for a New Approach to Missions?” He writes that the Great Commission “does not preclude us from evangelizing and discipling people here and... Continue Reading »

‘Out of Darkness’ march to raise awareness for suicide prevention

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide is the 10th-leading cause of death in this country. It touches millions of lives — people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds — but the research is clear: Suicide is preventable, and the... Continue Reading »

Letter: More funding for IMB ‘right thing to do’

There are always those who express concern that our first priority is to reach our Jerusalem before trying to reach the uttermost parts of the earth. I would agree. However, in 2014 our South Carolina Baptist churches (all 2,148... Continue Reading »

Letter: Petition ‘Lucifer’ TV Show

The Fox television network has plans to air a new program called “Lucifer” next year. It portrays Satan as a good guy. There is an online petition at the American Family Association website (http://www.afa.net, search “Lucifer”). I think it... Continue Reading »

Letter: Responding to Supreme Court Ruling

As the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage continues to be part of the national landscape, we can be confident that God has a plan for our context (Acts 17:26). There are ways we can surrender to Jesus and... Continue Reading »

Letter: Did GCR Work for S.C. Baptists?

In the 2011 annual session of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, we adopted an agenda called the Great Commission Resurgence. What a great name! In approving financial reductions in every ministry and partnership in the state, we were told... Continue Reading »