International Mission Board

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Send Relief continues aid in war-torn Sudan

Southern Baptist Send Relief continues to aid Sudan, as half the nation faces acute hunger and famine chases refugees and internally displaced persons. Cholera and heavy rains exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, according to international governmental agencies. Jason Cox, Send... Continue Reading »

IMB directors publish Unreadable: Another Book You Probably Won’t Read

His body sways slightly with the stopping and starting of the metro. One hand grips the rail, and the other holds his phone. He’s watching a video on YouTube about the relevance of faith in today’s world and common... Continue Reading »

Global health strategies create gospel access through CPR certification

The American doctor hummed “Stayin’ Alive” softly to the young Armenian medic kneeling on the floor administering CPR. Her confidence increased as she caught the beat, and the green light on the practice mannequin lit up. She smiled, despite... Continue Reading »

IMB medical missionaries use custom mobile clinic to serve in Europe

Harrison Martin* and his medical team were in a quandary. They were restricted in offering proper care while serving in Europe. “We’d set up medical clinics in churches or community centers,” said Martin, a missionary nurse practitioner for the... Continue Reading »

IMB using virtual reality at Olympics to provide immersive introduction to Jesus

You are in France for the Olympics and see someone handing out free water bottles. It’s hot, and you’re thirsty, so you take one, but don’t stop. You see an option for a virtual reality (VR) experience and put... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: We Must Send the Gospel

Once again, the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention has come and gone. There was a lot of hype leading up to the convention regarding the Law Amendment, the future of sexual abuse reform, the Credentials Committee’s recommendations... Continue Reading »

IVF resolution is SBC’s ‘first step’ in reproductive technology discussion

SBC messengers spoke to in vitro fertilization (IVF) for the first time June 12, adopting a resolution on the topic after a sometimes-emotional floor discussion that featured messengers sharing their personal experiences with reproductive technologies. Over a series of... Continue Reading »

GCR Did Not Achieve Goal, Evaluation Task Force Concludes

Did the Great Commission Resurgence accomplish its goal of reversing the decline of baptisms in the Southern Baptist Convention? According to the final report from a task force commissioned to answer that question, “the answer is a clear and... Continue Reading »

South Carolina women ‘Go Experience’ sharing gospel, partnering with IMB

Rwanda? Kenya? No trip sounded right. So Katie kept searching for the perfect short-term mission trip on the International Mission Board’s Go Experience website. Her women-only team from First Baptist Church, Honea Path (S.C.), wanted a place where they... Continue Reading »

Longtime international missions leader Clyde Meador dies

Longtime International Mission Board leader Clyde D. Meador died April 26. He was 79. Meador worked closely with four IMB presidents as a top advisor and executive vice president, and as the mission organization’s interim president from August 2010... Continue Reading »

N.C. Pastor with Anderson Ties Accepts Mobilization Role with IMB

Quintell Hill, pastor of Multiply Community Church in Monroe and president of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, will be joining the International Mission Board as African American church mobilization strategist starting April 1. “I’m excited and humbled... Continue Reading »

IMB Missions College creates connections for cross-cultural ministry

Representatives from 21 states came together for an intensive training on cross-cultural missions taught by International Mission Board missionaries April 2-5. The annual Missions College hosted near Richmond brought IMB missionaries from all over the world together with pastors,... Continue Reading »