The Baptist Courier




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Global health strategies create gospel access through CPR certification

The American doctor hummed “Stayin’ Alive” softly to the young Armenian medic kneeling on the floor administering CPR. Her confidence increased as she caught the beat, and the green light on the practice mannequin lit up. She smiled, despite... Continue Reading »

MedAdvance Poised to Change Lives Through Healthcare

For those with a passion for healthcare and a calling to missions, the International Mission Board has avenues of service ready to fill. Joshua and Jessica Cobb can recall how the trajectory of their ministry changed because of MedAdvance... Continue Reading »

MedAdvance 2023 poised to change more lives

For those with a passion for healthcare and a calling to missions, the International Mission Board has avenues of service ready to fill. The IMB is hosting MedAdvance, a conference for those interested in using healthcare strategies to open... Continue Reading »