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The Law Amendment: An Unnecessary Necessary Revision

Since 2022, and especially after the 2023 first vote to approve the so-called “Law amendment,” multiple authors and speakers have sought to sway messengers to vote in favor of or against changing the SBC Constitution. Ordinary church members, pastors,... Continue Reading »

First Person: A Low View of Pastors

A recent Gallup survey had some very bad news for pastors — and, by extension, for the church in America. In the survey, only 34 percent rated the honesty and integrity of pastors as very high. Among respondents under... Continue Reading »

Most pastors say sexually abusive ministers should step down permanently

As Christian groups and denominations debate the proper response to clergy sexual misconduct (both child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault), most pastors believe those who commit such crimes should withdraw from public ministry permanently. At the recent Southern... Continue Reading »

State Pastors Conference introduces new format for 2019

This year’s meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Pastors Conference will see a couple of changes, according to the group’s president. Schuyler Peterson, pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Spartanburg, said the conference will be held over two days... Continue Reading »