Courier Publishing
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Despite the fact that many people have difficulty finding a family physician, there remain many options for medical care. From emergency departments to urgent care clinics to clinics based in retail stores and pharmacies, there are several different ways... Continue Reading »
Christmas is upon us. And, it is both a wonder and a time of peril. Why is it a wonder? This is The Baptist Courier; I’m confident you get it. But as for the perils? They are legion. This... Continue Reading »
In the fall and winter of the year, hospitals tend to fill up with respiratory infections. These come in many varieties. But just so everyone can understand, I think it might be good to give a quick summary of... Continue Reading »
By way of full confession, my family has five dogs. All of them are mixed breed critters who have already outlived their warranties, but they keep living happy dog lives. We also have two large cats who are vocal... Continue Reading »
Many young Christians grow up with a deep desire to be missionaries. I applaud this. I’m always amazed at the devotion and dedication of those who spend years in training and go around the world for the sake of... Continue Reading »
One of the most effective ways to improve health is to lose excess weight. Yet, weight loss can be a frustrating battle that involves our individual metabolisms, our dislike of exercise, and our love of food. I’ve been trying... Continue Reading »
There are many things that contribute to good health. Some are remarkably simple. Eat properly and maintain a healthy weight. Stay hydrated. Exercise and remain active in order to keep up cardiovascular fitness and muscle mass. These are inexpensive... Continue Reading »
“Mens sana, in corpore sano” goes the old Latin saying. “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” It’s vital that we pay proper attention not only to our physical existence, but also to our minds and souls — to... Continue Reading »
It seems that every week, every month, we learn of another allegation of the sexual abuse of children. While it’s easy to throw stones at various groups, a horrible truth remains: Humans are sinful and abusive. We can find... Continue Reading »
Since April Fool’s Day is April 1, it’s probably a good time to go over a few things that aren’t true in medicine and health. A few things come to mind, but first I’d like to remind everyone (especially... Continue Reading »
It seems to be a commonly held belief that people with health care concerns always benefit from having more tests. Whether it’s blood work, an X-ray, a CT scan, an MRI or a stress test, the common refrain I... Continue Reading »
It can be hard to stay healthy these days. The cost of prescriptions is often ridiculous. The cost of health care, in general, is rising. And it takes way too long to get a doctor’s appointment! But there is... Continue Reading »
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