Guest Viewpoints

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How to Reconstruct a Broken Prayer Life

Judith Greenberg, Ph.D., is not an evangelical. In fact, she is not even a Christian. She claims to be an atheist. Professor Greenberg studied at Yale and described herself as “a New York Upper West Side liberal, [and] a... Continue Reading »

Getting Serious About Daily Prayer

Charles Spurgeon was right. He once said, “He who prays much will pray more and he who prays little will pray less.” In fact, a new survey finds that the Americans who want to pray more are the people... Continue Reading »

Navigating the News Without Losing Your Peace of Mind

After Daddy died, I had another 12 years with my mama. Even though I didn’t live close, we kept up with each other, and I’d make it home when I could. One thing that bugged me, though, is that... Continue Reading »

Biblical Typology: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

In preaching a sermon a few years ago on Numbers 20, we ran into something known as typology. As it has been variously defined in church history, typology occurs in the Bible when an historical person, event, or institution... Continue Reading »

How to Read More and With Pleasure

It’s that time of year when people make goals. I’m of the mind that a few small goals at the beginning of the year are wiser than a list of 17 milestones you’ll forget by February. I’ve come to... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: Baptists Want Secure Borders and Compassion for Immigrants

While the nature of Baptist polity allows for varying perspectives on many issues, there was one resolution that stood out when messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting in New Orleans almost unanimously voted in affirmation: A resolution... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: ‘Join in a Song With Sweet Accord’

When Isaac Watts penned these words, by “sweet accord” he designed an agreement of heart, a unanimity of opinion, a settled sense of oneness in affection. By this, he reflected the admonition of Colossians 3:16 that instructs us as... Continue Reading »

Guest Viewpoint: Becoming an Empathetic Leader

Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone; empathy seeks to understand them. Sympathy feels bad when you are in a deep, dark hole — but empathy crawls down in the hole with you and may eventually help you out. My... Continue Reading »

First Person: Complementarianism, Confessionalism and Cooperation in the SBC

Southern Baptists are overwhelmingly a complementarian convention of churches. This means we are committed to biblical teachings about distinct-yet-complementary gender roles for men and women, as well as the principle of male leadership in the family and the church.... Continue Reading »

First Person: A Low View of Pastors

A recent Gallup survey had some very bad news for pastors — and, by extension, for the church in America. In the survey, only 34 percent rated the honesty and integrity of pastors as very high. Among respondents under... Continue Reading »

First Person: Why Has South Carolina’s Marriage License Changed?

While attending a wedding ceremony in 2016, I discovered a change of wording in the marriage license. After the ceremony, the bride shared with me that the officiating minister was having trouble filling out the marriage license and asked... Continue Reading »

Five Myths About Adoption

After the Supreme Court handed down the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — a landmark case that reversed the harmful precedents set in Roe v. Wade — more attention is rightly focused on the welfare of... Continue Reading »